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Find out more about the Conservancy, our years of stewardship, and our vision for Pease’s future.
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Latest News & Blog Posts

In this episode, we hear from MuseWork and RECLAIM about the second theme in the Pease Park Interpretive Plan, which focuses specifically on the cultural history of Pease Park, including acknowledging that Governor Pease, who donated the initial tract of land for Pease Park in 1875, was an enslaver and that there were enslaved people who worked on the land that is now part of the park.

Pease Park Conservancy is putting in place a tree care program to keep the thirsty trees happy and healthy.

The second installment of the Interpretive Plan video series is here! Tune in as we explore theme one and what it means for Pease Park!
We are making great progress out on the construction site and we have hit 17% of completion on the whole project. Even this initial progress has transformed the lower 7 acres of Pease Park and we are starting to be able to visualize how it will come together once it is fully complete.

It’s here! For over a year, Pease Park Conservancy has been working hard to develop an Interpretive Plan for the park. We worked with PARD, as well as specialists from MuseWork and RECLAIM: Our Stories, Our Voice, and now we are bringing our work to you. Check out our introduction to the Pease Park Interpretive Plan video series, this will be a four part series that explores what an interpretive plan in, and the three themes that were determined for Pease Park.

The results are in! Check out the Slope Failure Survey Results. Thanks to the 137 respondents over the month of April, we were able to compile some meaningful feedback on how the community views the slope failure in Pease Park and what the priorities are for a solution.

How Tuesday is back again with Operations Manager, Kyle Reiley! He gives a lesson in making origami squirrels.

How Tuesday is back with another episode for y’all! This week Pease Park Conservancy CEO, Heath Riddles walks us through how to do a nature-inspired art project that is great for kids of all ages.
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